whatsapp server down 2017

whatsapp server down 2017
WhatsApp is down.Messages won't send or receive, and some people can't load the app at all. WhatsApp appears to be down for a wide number of users across the world. Users from different countries are reporting problems on Twitter with the hashtag #whatsappdown whatsapp server down 2017
#Update Down for 210 minutes today from 11 am to 2:30 pm Now Up and running
Individuals can't send or get messages utilizing the Facebook-claimed application, obviously due to a server issue. there's no easy fix to the problem, since it appears to be on WhatsApp's side
The application doesn't at first look broken, with visits and contacts ready to stack. In any case, once a client is into a talk, the application just demonstrates an "associating" message that never settle itself, thus new messages can't be sent or got. In addition to this whatsapp web is also down.
Whatsapp down for hours now. Users from parts of Europe, USA and Asia also experiencing delays in sending messages.
This being the third significant disturbance of the year of Whatsapp Down, with one as of late as August influencing clients over the world also. Preceding that, the Facebook-claimed benefit endured a blackout twice inside two weeks, in May.
Whatsapp is up and running.
whatsapp server down 2017 and is running by now these are all the news provided cybernog regarding whatsapp server down 2017
Whatsapp is up and running.
whatsapp server down 2017 and is running by now these are all the news provided cybernog regarding whatsapp server down 2017